Music boxes

Music boxes
Music boxes have within melodies they carry in them, once they're open music feels the air;
Every person you have known has a song of their own, once they open up you'll hear whats there;
Every person longs to find who they are deep inside, every person yearns to know their place..."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

To everyone that touched my life this year, in one way or another... for friends and family that are near, close by, or very far away... for those that live in my heart all year ´round. I love you, may God bless you this year.


Rebecca said...

Merry Christmas to you too, Bela!! Mwaaaah!

Hillary said...

I hope you have a very merry Christmas, Bela! We sure miss you and think about you all the time! Pop in sometime and let us know how you are!

~April~ said...

Merry Christmas Bela!

Hermínia de Sousa said...

Que manta tão bonita, adoro patchwork, foste tu que fizeste? Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo cheio de coisas boas! Beijinhos pra todos vós da vossa vizinha Família Sousa. ;)

Bela said...

Hillary, my laptop was stolen and I lost a lot of info. I'll e-mail you sometime. I miss you guys too... Remember when I didn't have a computer for sooo long? Yup. I'm back there again... along wih my nice camera, important documents and christmas gifts... on December 23rd. We had quite an eventful season. Hugs dear!