Music boxes

Music boxes
Music boxes have within melodies they carry in them, once they're open music feels the air;
Every person you have known has a song of their own, once they open up you'll hear whats there;
Every person longs to find who they are deep inside, every person yearns to know their place..."

Saturday, December 11, 2010


As I think of Christ this Season, and as the day goes by and I try to think what character trait that Jesus possessed will help me this specific moment, it always becomes clear to me what I want to talk about. Today was no exception.

Charity, the true love of  Christ. Can we really feel that same love? Well, we are commanded to. Faith, hope and charity... "above all of these, charity is the greatest".
I don't talk about donating a dollar to the salvation army volunteer that rings the bell at the mall entrance. If I think I'm being charitable when I donate my spare change, I'm wrong. That volunteer, on the other hand, is giving his time to be there in the cold, he his giving of himself. That, yes, that is charity.

I am amazed at people that, when crisis comes to someone's life, leave all they are doing to make a phone call and see what can be done for that person. Some leave the half washed dishes in the sink and run to that person's home, just to provide some comfort... some start cooking meals to be delivered, while others offer services, like watching the kids, cleaning the house, filling the pantry, and so on. And others, when there's nothing else that can be done, simply drop on their knees and pray, the most heartfelt prayer they've said in a long time.

To give of self, to walk the extra mile, to truly love someone, to reach out to a drowning soul... those are the things that will be writen in the Big Book and will help us to get to Him some day.... and let Him come to our hearts now.

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